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Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
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Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
Read statements given below carefully. There is a scale of the answers (from -3 to 3) under each statement. (-3) means that it does not refer to you and (3) means that it fully refers to you. Tick the right answer (according to your knowledge about yourself).
Remember there are no wrong or good answers!
This test used for depression examination was developed using Beck's scale, PHQ-9 test (authors: Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B. W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke), Burns scale, and our own research.